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Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Togo

Resource Type: Report Authors: Jenna Wright, Karishmah Bhuwanee, Ffyona Patel, Jeanna Holtz, Thierry van Bastelaer, Rena Eichler Published: 1/2017 Resource Description: Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements […]

Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Bénin

Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements nationaux et de nombreuses organisations privées et personnes physiques convergent sur le principe selon lequel l’accès universel […]

A retrospective review of the Honduras AIN-C program guided by a community health worker performance logic model

This article was originally published in the May 2016 issue of Human Resources for Health. Factors that influence performance of community health workers (CHWs) delivering health services are not well understood. A recent logic model proposed categories of support from both health sector and communities influence CHW performance and program outcomes.

Mobile Money for Health Case Study: Accredited Social Health Activists (India)

Resource Type: Case Studies Authors: Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Published: 10/31/2015 Resource Description: This case study is one of 14 case studies profiled in the Mobile Money for Health Case Study Compendium. The ASHA program was conceived and funded by the Indian National Rural Health Mission (NHRM) in an effort to promote public health awareness amongst local, […]

Mobile Money for Health Case Study: Pathfinder Kenya

Resource Type: Case Studies Authors: Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Published: 10/31/2015 Resource Description: This case study is one of 14 case studies profiled in the Mobile Money for Health Case Study Compendium. In 2012, Pathfinder Kenya launched the mHMtaani project (Swahili for “Mobile Health for my Community”), which aims to promote healthier communities through the use of […]

Summary Report: Performance-Based Incentives: Consultations for Haryana State Demonstration

The government of the northern Indian state of Haryana has evinced strong interest in adopting a PBI scheme to improve primary health care services in the state. To this end, in December 2014 the HFG project conducted a qualitative investigation in two blocks of Haryana (Nuh block, Mewat district, and Rai block, Sonipat district) to […]

A group of new doctors on Graduation Day © 2006 S. Loganathan (student)/CHRI, Courtesy of Photoshare

Remedying Urgent Health Worker Challenges in Haryana, India

Late last year, several employees of the Haryana Health Department filed a legal challenge as a result of receiving transfer orders to work at different health facilities. The plaintiffs claimed they had been wrongly transferred due to record-keeping mistakes. A subsequent judicial review uncovered numerous clerical errors in the state’s 25,000 employee records, including employees […]

Data Drives Decisions to Increase Number of Health Workers in Swaziland

Swaziland has a shortage of health workers for priority health services, particularly HIV and AIDS. This country of approximately one million citizens has the highest HIV prevalence in the world – 26 percent. At the same time, Swaziland has fewer than two healthcare workers ‒ doctors, nurses, or midwives ‒ for every 1,000 citizens. These numbers […]

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