HFG presents results of baseline assessment of 11 HIV clinics

In December 2017, HFG Dominican Republic presented the results of a baseline assessment of 11 specialized

HFG consultant Mayra Toribio finishes presenting the baseline assessment results to managers and health workers from the Dominican Republic’s HIV clinics.

HIV clinics, called Comprehensive Care Services, at a workshop organized by the Dominican National Health Service (SNS). These HIV clinics offer free or inexpensive health care, including testing and antiretroviral treatment. The analysis highlighted the performance of the HIV clinics in areas of human resources for health, health information systems, infrastructure, supply chain management, laboratories and customer service. The results will be used by the SNS, the clinics, and United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to monitor

HFG will be conducting a second round of data collection in 2018 to evaluate the SAIs’ effectiveness in implementing the “Treatment for All” strategy and to inform the design of targeted interventions to improve performance. Eventually, the Dominican Republic hopes to expand the “Treatment for All” strategy nationwide, learning from the experiences of the 11 pilot clinics. Regular evaluation and improvement of the performance of these HIV clinics is essential for the Dominican Republic to achieve the 90-90-90 targets and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

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