Measuring and Monitoring Country Progress towards Universal Health Coverage

Cover Page of Measuring and Monitoring Country Progress towards Universal Health CoverageResource Type: Report, Presentation
Authors: Health Systems 20/20
Published: 8/1/2012

Resource Description:

In recent years, many countries have declared their commitment to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and introduced policies and approaches to achieve that goal. However, currently, there are few guidelines for measuring and monitoring countries’ progress towards UHC.

The Health Systems 20/20 Project reviewed UHC indicators that have already been defined in the literature, assessed the feasibility of producing those indicators from already-available data sources in five countries, and reflected upon the strengths and weaknesses of those indicators.

The project also brought together representatives of several international development organizations and implementing partners in July 2012 to advance the dialogue and move toward consensus on an approach to UHC measurement. The meeting summary and presentations made by participants can be found below.

Technical Report: Indicators for Measuring Universal Health Coverage: A Five-Country Analysis (DRAFT)

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