Health Sector Public Expenditure Review, 2010/11

Cover Page: Health Sector Public Expenditure Review, 2010/11Resource Type: Report
Authors: Directorate of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Tanzania and Health Systems 20/20
Published: 7/1/2012

Resource Description:

The main objective of Health Sector Public Expenditure Review for fiscal year (FY) 2011 (PER FY11) was to assess the budgetary allocations and expenditures to inform stakeholders about progress made in key health financing milestones over the 2006/07 – 2011/12 period. Specifically, the Health Sector PER sets out to provide:

  • A review of PER FY10 findings and actions taken by the sector in response to those findings, indicating unaccomplished/pending actions, and identifying follow-up actions for FY11
  • Analysis of the trend of recurrent and development budget and expenditures for the past five FYs
  • Analysis of the trends in the sources of funding for the health sector for the past five FYs
  • Analysis of budget and expenditure trends for the different sectoral and subsectoral levels including the central-local government split
  • Assessment of budget performance (allocation versus actual spending) by classification (development and recurrent), funding sources (government funding and foreign funding), and different levels (central and local)
  • Analysis of the core or priority areas/items of expenditure as highlighted in the Health Sector Strategic Plan III (HSSP-III) and the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA)
  • A detailed analysis of income and expenditure at the district level
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