Exploring the institutional arrangements for linking health financing to the quality of care: Lessons from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand

Resource Type: Study
Authors: Altea Cico

Resource Description:

As the Asia region accelerates efforts to achieve UHC, strengthening the provision of quality health care has emerged as a major priority. However, evidence on the most effective institutional arrangements for ensuring quality in health care remains limited. The role of health financing actors in ensuring quality of care, and their relationships, roles and responsibilities vis à vis other institutions that promote quality (e.g. Ministry of Health, accreditation agencies, and subnational health authorities) are of particular interest to government stakeholders in the region. The goal of this study is to better understand the institutional arrangements designed to enable health financing actors to ensure and promote the quality of health service delivery in Southeast Asia. We are pursuing this goal by conducting a set of three qualitative case studies in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In so doing, we hope to develop and provide recommendations for the design of similar arrangements that seek to link quality of care considerations to health care financing decisions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The goal is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities of payers and other quality actors at national and subnational levels are clearly defined and maximize healthcare quality.

The goal of this study is to better understand the institutional arrangements designed to enable health financing actors to ensure and promote the quality of health service delivery in Southeast Asia. We are pursuing this goal by conducting a set of three qualitative case studies in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In so doing, we hope to develop and provide recommendations for the design of similar arrangements that seek to link quality of care considerations to health care financing decisions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The goal is to ensure that the roles and responsibilities of payers and other quality actors at national and subnational levels are clearly defined and maximize healthcare quality.



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