Tag Archives: Universal Health Coverage
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Universal Health Coverage Monitoring Framework

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia Published: June 2017 Resource Description: To achieve universal health coverage (UHC), it is important to define, measure, and monitor it at the country level. For this purpose, WHO and World Bank developed a monitoring framework for the three dimensions of UHC: effective coverage of essential services, financial […]

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Measuring Progress toward UHC in Ghana: Report on Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ghana Ministry of Health Published: June 2017 Resource Description: To achieve universal health coverage (UHC), it is important to define, measure, and monitor it at the country level. For this purpose, WHO and World Bank developed a monitoring framework for the three dimensions of UHC: effective coverage of essential services, financial risk protection, […]

Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis – Guinea

Recognizing that a healthy population promotes economic development, resilience, and strength, many governments have started pursuing a universal health coverage (UHC) agenda. The international community, national governments, and private organizations and individuals are converging on the principle that universal access to family planning is a goal worthy of increased financial investment. Improved access to family […]

Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Sénégal

Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements nationaux et de nombreuses organisations privées et personnes physiques convergent sur le principe selon lequel l’accès universel […]

Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Togo

Resource Type: Report Authors: Jenna Wright, Karishmah Bhuwanee, Ffyona Patel, Jeanna Holtz, Thierry van Bastelaer, Rena Eichler Published: 1/2017 Resource Description: Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements […]

Bangladesh: Roundtable Discussion on Universal Health Coverage

In March, the USAID-funded Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project and its partners in Bangladesh organized a roundtable discussion on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with Prothom Alo, a popular daily newspaper in Bangladesh. The discussion was chaired by Mohammed Nasim MP, the Honorable Ministers of Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). 14 renowned policymakers, […]

Expanding Coverage to Informal Workers: A Study of EPCMD Countries’ Efforts to Date

For many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), expanding health coverage to informal workers is one of the most common, yet complex challenges requiring action. Informal workers are, by definition, not provided with legal or social protections through their employment, and are vulnerable to health and economic shocks. They also account for a large percentage of […]


Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis of Select West African Countries

This report presents observed trends and lessons learned from a health financing landscape study of fifteen countries. We conducted detailed analyses of eight countries in West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo (“core countries”). We also reviewed seven countries at various stages of achieving UHC to draw lessons learned and […]

Bangladesh Flagship Course on Health System Strengthening and Universal Health Coverage A Success

From January 22-26, the USAID-funded HFG project co-organized a Bangladesh-focused flagship course in Savar, Bangladesh, to enhance the capacity of stakeholders to analyze health policy and health system performance issues, in the context of universal health coverage (UHC). The HFG project partnered with the Health Economics Unit of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare […]

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