Tag Archives: Governance

Essential Health Services: The Republic of South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan, formed in 2011, has made clear statements on its Ministry of Health website and in the Constitution that it aspires to provide a basic package of health services to its citizens. The Health Sector Development Plan 2012–2016 for the government of South Sudan refers to the Basic Package of Health […]

Essential Health Services: Tanzania

The government of Tanzania first created and published an EPHS in 2000, called the National Health Care Intervention Package or the National Package of Essential Health Interventions. In subsequent years, the 13 areas/programs under the Ministry of Health created area-specific packages that went beyond the more general descriptions under the National Health Care Intervention Package. […]

Essential Health Services: Uganda

Uganda’s EPHS is referred to as the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package (UNMHCP). The UNMHCP was first established in the 1999/2000 National Health Policy, accompanied by the country’s first Health Sector Strategic Plan. Health sector policy documents have continued to center around the concept of the UNMHCP. The most recent revision of the UNMHCP […]

Essential Health Services: Yemen

EPHS is very limited and not well defined in Yemen. To identify specific services that could be considered part of Yemen’s EPHS, we reviewed the Yemen National Reproductive Health Strategy 2011–2015; National Guideline for Community Health Volunteer Program; and the literature on the Free Medical Camps Program; the National Malaria, HIV, and Tuberculosis Control Programs, […]

Essential Health Services: Zambia

Zambia defined a “Basic Health Care Package,” but this package currently appears to be a list of national health priorities, not services. The Basic Health Care Package does not appear to meet our definition of Zambia’s EPHS. Additionally, according to the Sixth National Development Plan 2011–2015, the government was supposed to finalize and adopt the […]

A community meeting

Tools to Help Civil Society Engage in Health Finance and Governance

Governments and international donor organizations increasingly acknowledge the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in strengthening health systems. By facilitating dialogue between government and citizens on issues of health sector priorities, performance, and accountability, CSOs can help to improve health service delivery and contribute to evidence-based policy. Often, however, CSOs lack the skills and tools […]

Engaging Civil Society in Health Finance and Governance: A Guide for Practitioners

HFG’s guide provides governments and donors practical advice on engaging civil society in health finance and governance in order to meet health sector objectives and to improve health outcomes. Our guide describes the potential and limitations of civil society engagement entry points and presents an array of tools that may be used to do so.

Plan Stratégique de Développement de la PSSP, 2015-2019

Ce Plan Stratégique de Développement de la Plateforme du Secteur Privé de la Santé (PSSP), 2015-2019 représente une feuille de route pour permettre à la PSSP d’atteindre son objectif et la vision de contribuer à l’amélioration l’état de santé de la population béninoise sur la base d’une meilleure organisation des acteurs du secteur privé de […]

A Toolkit for Ministries of Health to Work More Effectively With Ministries of Finance

In many countries, Ministries of Health (MOHs) and Ministries of Finance (MOFs) determine which health services are delivered, when, where, and for whom. While MOHs are responsible for setting national health policy and managing the day-to-day delivery of public health services, they are dependent upon MOFs for establishing funding levels and releasing the necessary funds to finance MOH operations. Designed for health sector […]

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