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La Eficiencia del Programa de VIH de El Salvador: Informe de la Sendunda Mision Final

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: September 2018 Resource Description: El Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza de la Salud (conocido por sus siglas en inglés, HFG), financiado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), ha solicitado asistencia técnica para el Ministerio de Salud de El Salvador con el […]

¿Qué cantidad de medicamentos antirretrovirales necesita un país?

Estimación y programación de medicamentos Para alcanzar los objetivos de la estrategia 90-90-90, es esencial que un país tenga disponibilidad suficiente de medicamentos antirretrovirales (ARV) y otros productos para el VIH, tales como pruebas diagnósticas y condones. En la República Dominicana, donde el Gobierno se encuentra inmerso en el proceso de descentralización de su red […]

How Many ARV Medications Does One Country Need? Turns Out, It’s Complicated

To achieve the 90-90-90 goals, it is essential that a country has a sufficient availability of antiretroviral (ARV) medication and HIV commodities, such as diagnostics and condoms. In the Dominican Republic (DR), where the government is in the midst of decentralizing its health services network and expanding access to treatment, knowing exactly how much to […]

Economic Evaluation of Nationally Scaled Point-of-Care Diagnostic Platforms for Viral Load Monitoring in Kenya

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Emily Mangone, Christopher Cintron, Ben Johns, Victor Mudhune, & Carlos Avila Published: September 2018 Resource Description: These findings highlight the fact that while the current central laboratory viral load (VL) monitoring program functions well, innovative technologies and approaches such as point-of-care viral (POC VL) load monitoring can improve the expediency and effectiveness of […]

Supplementary Actuarial Analysis of HIV/AIDS in Lagos State, Nigeria

Resource Type: Report Published: August 2018 Resource Description: Lagos State Government signed into Law a bill that establishes a Lagos State Health Management Agency and the Lagos State Health Scheme in 2015 to ensure residents of the State have access to quality and affordable health care services and financial protection. Further to this, the State Government has had […]

Sustentando la respuesta al VIH: Inclusión del tratamiento para VIH en la Seguridad Social en la Republica Dominicana

La reducción a nivel mundial del precio de los medicamentos antirretrovirales (ARV) y otros avances en la última década, han transformado al VIH de ser una pandemia que representa una amenaza para la vida,  a una condición crónica manejable.  La adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) puede permitir a las personas que viven con el VIH […]

Sustaining the HIV Response: Inclusion of HIV Treatment in Social Health Insurance in the Dominican Republic

The global reduction in antiretroviral (ARV) drug prices and other advances over the past decade have transformed HIV from a life-threatening pandemic to a manageable chronic condition. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) can allow people living with HIV (PLHIV) to live with little to no risk of transmitting the HIV, but they must have continual […]

Case Study: The Dialogue on HIV and Tuberculosis Project, Kazakhstan

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Adam Koon Published: June 2017 Resource Description: This report presents one of the five case studies – on the Dialogue Project on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in Kazakhstan. In Section 2, we describe the study methods. In Section 3, we present the contours of the context in which the intervention was implemented, basic […]

An Assessment of PEPFAR partnership frameworks and Partnership framework implementation plans

Resource Type: Synthesis Report Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2017 Resource Description: The findings of this study demonstrate that overall the PFs/PFIPs did indeed advance partnership dialogue and partnerships between PEPFAR and governments. The process of development epitomized the spirit of country ownership with the active engagement of a wide array of partners and stakeholders. […]

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